Which is more important? A study out this week by Katharina Bernecker (University of Zurich) and Daniela Becker (Radboud University) suggests the capacity to experience short-term enjoyment or pleasure contributes at least as much to well being as effectively exercising self-control. Moreover, the ability to immerse oneself in meeting the immediate hedonic need instead of being distracted by thoughts of conflicting long-term goals is linked to satisfaction. Finding a balance between indulging in pleasurable activities and pursuing long-term goals may be a key part of adaptive self-regulation.
Daily rewards are also an integral aspect of Collabree’s strategy for assisting patients in their journey towards improved medication adherence. By offering redeemable points for taking medication correctly, quiz participation, and logging vital signs, we encourage our patients to savor their small successes too.
So, what do you do to enjoy yourself?